Thursday, July 14, 2016

Idiot Spouts Ignorance

National media coverage ensues. [More]

[Via Michael G]


  1. Take away her smart phone and give her a quill pen, an inkwell, and a few sheets of parchment - tell her that's all to which she's entitled under her First Amendment rights, because the Founders didn't have electronics.

  2. I hope they plan to publish their remarks on a hand operated press because the founding fathers couldn't have imagined TV or the internet. Plan to carryout all your correspondence written with a quill pen and sent by surface mail as well.

  3. Coleman is a negro congresswoman from New Jersey, not. North Carolina.

  4. Bonnie Watson Coleman brings new meaning to the term ignoramus.
    And to think she's paid $174,000 a year of money we don't have.


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