Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Still Crazy After All These Years

But no one's talking about taking your guns...

How many more bylaws violations do the Lairds of Fairfax need?


  1. Wouldn't a ban on spoons be of greater benefit to Mr. Moore, since he's more likely to die of obesity than guns? However, I suspect that he would argue against that by asserting that a spoon is an inanimate object, and therefore harmless in and of itself, such that a ban would be pointless.

  2. I happened to catch Michael Moore on Oprah many years ago and made an interesting observation. Even back then, he knew what all the world's problems were, but had not a single solution to any of them.

    The odd thing is, he could single handedly solve one of the world's greatest problems single handedly, yet refuses to do it. That would be to keep his mouth shut.


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