Thursday, July 07, 2016

Who Dares Question?

What that means is that any private citizen, any reporter, or any media outlet that even requests for information related to the Orlando Massacre can have their identities turned over to the FBI.  The implications of having local officials serve as the stifling arm of oppression by an investigative arm of the federal government is chilling. [More]
Yeah, I mean, seeing as how this has been the latest the catalyst for a new "bipartisan" citizen disarmament feeding frenzy, why is knowing what actually happened -- and how -- important, anyway?

Y'know, if we just stopped questioning everything, accepted what we're told and got back to all the trivial distractions that are there to keep us occupied, there'd be a lot less need for official warnings and retaliations.

[Via Florida Guy]   


  1. Laws are for the little people. Especially made-up, off-the-cuff, just because they feel like making them up laws.
    Is there any doubt how any Supreme Court would look at the "chilling effect" that would have on free speech?
    I can hear Comrade Comey now, "All your media are belong to us!"

  2. Comey was the Deputy Special Counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. So, he's 0-2 against the Clintons. With an average like that, he's never going to make it to the Big Leagues

    Now, what's happening with those cross dressing Kardashians?


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