Monday, July 11, 2016

Who's Responsible?

It is you, Republican establishmentarians, who have destroyed the Republican Party. You sold out two generations ago and you’ve been on, or under, the politically correct bandwagon ever since. The end result is that the Republican brand is lousy. Liberals don’t like the brand because it pretends to stand for conservatism, while conservatives don’t like it because it really doesn’t. [More]

[Via Dan Gifford]

1 comment:

  1. Trump isn't destroying republicans... Republicans had every chance to say the things he's been saying. I still remember when I was about 13 and Wayne was trying to pull me into the NRA fold with all the form letters mailed to me (seemingly every few weeks). In them he spoke of 'Jackbooted thugs' coming to take our rights under threat of violence. I thought it sensational as a kid and only after years of watching things become the way these fund raising letters prognosticated did I begin to really think: a) they've got a point & b) thus country is in really big trouble.
    My point is (as anyone can see with the reps or nra) they didn't believe their own rhetoric... Or worse, they've been co-opted. Regardless, I think it's time that Americans of every creed and hue start realizing the old axiom 'United we stand, decided we fall' because the splc, nra, reps, dems, etc. Have each micro group in this country blaming each other and ready to kill each other when a tiny modicum of common sense would lead all the clear headed folks to maybe join together and fight the tiny minority with the big mouths and money and take our country...maybe our planet back. I know it's easier said than done and I'm just a pie in the sky thinker, but, what the heck, someone should say it.


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