Thursday, August 25, 2016

Common Sense Freedom Safety Laws

“And we got more phone calls from people saying, ‘Wait a minute…there’s a machine gun coming down our parade. Can’t you stop it?’” said the mayor, “and I can’t.” [More]
Leave it to Opposite Day "progressives" to get all bent out of shape because they can't stop freedom celebrations at a freedom celebration.

Did you keep a log of all those calls, mayor?  How about sharing how many and from whom?

[Via Mike H]


  1. What country am I lining in? Did I wake up in some kind of dystopian nightmare? Americans wetting their panties because a a 4th of July parade had a pick up in it with a man hold a gun? Seriously? Back in the day, we would have taunted these people mercilessly for such cowardly comments! I swear the remote wilds of Alaska and a primitive lifestyle far away from all of these sissies is becoming more and more attractive.

  2. Seems more like Hoplophobia on parade.

  3. "If that new governor is fellow Democrat John Gregg, Hogsett and Hamilton would..."

    'Nuff said. Someone recently pointed out that if we discounted the crime statistics for any city which has had Democratic leadership for at least the past 40 years, our crime numbers would look like Switzerland.

    If -- for some bizarre reason -- you insist on stumping for Republicans, you ought to use this as you primary weapon.

  4. What's "bizarre" about trying to block a Democrat supermajority using the only peaceable means left? What WILL happen to the federal / Supreme courts if Trump doesn't win? Produce credible data, not opinions, anecdotes and platitudes.

  5. "Mayor Hamilton said parents and children along his city’s parade route didn’t know that."

    Typical trained progressive response to an inanimate object.... FEAR. That's what has been taught now for a decade.. it's akin to Pavlov's dog syndrome.. a conditioned reaction brought upon by a specific agenda.

  6. "What's "bizarre" about trying to block a Democrat supermajority using the only peaceable means left? What WILL happen to the federal / Supreme courts if Trump doesn't win? Produce credible data, not opinions, anecdotes and platitudes."

    Exactly. Anyone supporting the open-immigration Left "Libertarian" druggie Johnson and his gun grabbing Massachusetts RINO sidekick Weld is working for Hillary.

    Nothing but crickets chirping from the headless king rexxhead, an appropriate name. If he only had a head.


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