Friday, September 09, 2016

Friends of the Workin' Man

Moskovitz said he and his wife, Cari Tuna, are giving half of their $20 million to the League of Conservation Voters and to the For Our Future political action committee. The latter group is a get-out-the-vote effort in battleground states that is paid for primarily by labor unions and hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer. [More]
What's wrong with this picture?

Hey, at least the union bosses will get fatter while their members lose out to offshore moves and cheap foreign imports.

I wonder if Cari's any relation to Charlie...?


  1. Is she the tuna with good taste, or the tuna that tastes good?

  2. Somethin' smells fishy.


  3. Ah, David, looks like AP is screwing with you. Here, try this:


  4. Thanks for the link, Mack. Here are a couple of quotes from Mr. Tuna-

    “If Secretary Clinton wins the election, America will advance much further toward the world we hope to see,” which is one of “increased tolerance, diversity and interdependence in the name of mutual prosperity.”
    “If Donald Trump wins, the country will fall backward, and become more isolated from the global community.”

    I love it when a Boy Billionaire lectures us about mutual prosperity in a global community, don't you?


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