Monday, September 12, 2016

Hey, We Ought to Start Calling Her Coffey

Like the guy with the mouth bugs in The Green Mile... [More]

How dare this shameless vampire expose a child to an infectious disease for a damn photo op? That is, assuming the "official" story isn't just another total lie she just got trapped in.

Exploit the hell out of this. Shove it down the throat of her supporters and ask them if they approve, and if not, when they're going to criticize her.


  1. I keep wondering what they pumped her full of to achieve such a "miraculous" 90 minute turn-around.

    The blood of young virgins, perhaps?

  2. So what if the kid catches pneumonia and dies? By the time she's old enough to vote, Hillary will be to old to run for office.

    It's a great photo-op; makes Hillary look almost human.

    Her folks are so thrilled, they'll vote for Hillary on the day they bury their child ... an unfortunate random victim of pneumonia (and is anyone IMPORTANT dying of Pneumonia these days, anyway?)

  3. I don't know any Hillary supporters, but I'll be glad to watch while you (and anyone else) crams this down their throats... figuratively only, of course.

  4. Thank goodness I read French! That last captcha thing included the requirement to read signs in French! Maybe you should dial that back a little?

  5. kerdasi amaq9/13/2016 11:15 AM

    Although, it is alleged that, that is a body double and not the real Hillary Clinton. So, the child shouldn't be in any real danger.

  6. ML- no control over that--I take what Blogspot gives me or I surrender to spammers and trolls.

    KA - come up with credible substantiation for that.

  7. David, I did a spit-take when I saw your photo! Get it?

    I've heard some speculate the little girl was a plant.

  8. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Illary Coffey met the same demise as John Coffey did in The Green Mile?

    Yeah, yeah. I know. But a guy can dream, can't he?


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