Friday, September 09, 2016

Perhaps Unsurprisingly

Perhaps unsurprisingly, his popularity with black voters has been hovering in the single digits. [More]
You're right. But that reflects more on those who are like you than on anyone else.

What a profoundly dishonest piece this is, meaning typically "progressive."

Say Trump became a Mark Kirk on guns.  He'd still be unacceptable due to his immigration stance, so he'd need to change that too. And that wouldn't cut it either, because then he'd need to jettison all the rest of his conservative baggage and become a racist wealth redistributionist, in other words, become a Democrat.

"HuffPost’s Ferguson Fellow" is everything that's wrong with the plantation types too many blacks are influenced by -- instead of people who can help them get their heads right, like Tj, who sounds disconcertingly candid as hell, but who you can tell talks like that out of love and pride.

[Via Roger J]

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