Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Profiles in Apathy

‘Veto Gunmageddon’ petitions fail to gather enough signatures [More]
Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised.


  1. And as one old Second Amendment sage would put it, all of us petition signing Californians are going to get just what the non-petition signing Californians deserve.

    Have I mentioned lately that California sucks?

  2. I do find truth in the concept that if no one is found to do the easy work, then fewer still will show up to do the hard work.

    That said, how motivated can you expect people to be about signing up to beg and plead known felonious criminals to be just a little less criminal in a specific area?

    I don't know how the long-term effects of it will be, but actions such as Gavin Seim's "I Will Not Comply" seem better suited to the current environment. ( )

  3. I've been part of "I will not comply" since before it was called that -- since the early 80s actually, when on the advice of a cop investigating a credible work-related death threat I began "illegally" carrying in SoCal because I didn't have the connections to get a "permit" to save my life -- literally. I was also one of a handful that tore up CA DOJ "assault weapon" registration forms in front of them and hundreds of NRA members, many of whom were angered by our actions. And yes, I've written about Gavin Seim and have written many times about a another key "I will not comply" leader, Mike Vanderboegh, and his "smuggling" activities.

    That said, just because you do one doesn't mean you can't do other things as well, and too many turn their backs on  participating in the system to peaceably resolve things with -- in many cases delusional romantic "Molon Labe" notions -- as a way to actually avoid doing anything. When TS that they're welcoming HTF, my guess is many of those will be the first ones to turn 'em in if it means getting three hots and a cot at the FEMA camp.

  4. David- your linked story about the meeting with CA DOJ representatives sounds exactly like one that took place after the last go-round of new gun restrictions were enacted... same B.S. from the DOJ people, same reaction from the crowd.

    Also, you might be interested to know that the DOJ man at your meeting, Randy Rossi, retired in 2007 and is living comfortably on a pension of $110k a year. And after all, isn't that really what it's all about?


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