Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Enemy Within

Jorge Amselle is a writer for the firearms industry, such as Tactical-Life. During conversations at an industry event in Florida both Thursday night and Friday morning he stated to me, with a number of other industry professionals present and listening, that he Supported Hillary Clinton for President and was going to vote for her. He felt other issues such as immigration (he's Hispanic) were more important than the Second Amendment Stated Obama hadn't been bad for the 2A and Hillary would be basically a third term. He stated he would rather see Hillary Clinton appoint justices to the Supreme Court and not Trump. He stated he was not a single-issue voter and the 2A was not at the top of his list. [More]
With the caveat that I have not personally verified this, if true, I can't think of any reason why gun owners would continue to associate with someone betraying them so completely and profoundly.

[Via RH]

I guess it's true. I see he's not above being deceptive about abortion to stump for Hillary. And yeah, this pretty much confirms it.

UPDATE: Seems this post has upset some people.  I'll get to this as I can. In the mean time, I note no one has actually produced anything that refutes the claims, and some appear ready to allow Hillary to have it and support left-libertarian cultural terraforming.

UPDATE: Taken to the Woodshed.

UPDATE: The Thin $Green$ Line.


  1. Yes, but this is the kind of "pro-gun" Latino Alan Gottlieb and his pal Grover Norquist insist on pandering to with their deluge immigration, open border agenda.

  2. Wow, guess this guy just lost all his firearms credibility. Say good bye to your job pal. Maybe go and work for hillary!!

  3. As opposed to voting for boringly consistent anti-gun Trump, who ALSO happens to be anti-Free-Speech, anti-Freedom-of-The-Press, and anti-Due-Process?

    Yea, I'm perfectly comfortable for him saying he's not going to vote for a guy who's platform was built on disparaging Hispanics.

    If ever there was a year to stop playing party politics and back Gary Johnson, the ONLY candidate who has a consistent track record of being pro-2A and who has made overtures about wanting to repeal Hughes and abolish the ATF

    1. AnHourOfWolves9/26/2016 1:52 PM

      You mean THIS tool?

    2. If you're going to be a phony pro-gun Hillary shill, try appearing less obtuse and using less idiotic strawman arguments. Trump is no racist. The racists are the LaRaza types who think they have a right to piss on our most critical national defenses- out borders and immigration controls, and steal our country. Traitors like you are collaborating with them.

      You're working for Hillary.

      And you're voting for a ticket that's even worse than Hillary. Johnson is a gun squish and Weld is a RINO who actually banned guns.

      Both are Left "Libertarian" druggies, openly for open borders and deluge legal immigration which would destroy the USA even faster than Dems.

  4. Oh great, another anonymous true believer who wants to open the borders and put Real World Gungrabber Weld a heartbeat from the presidency. It's not the fault of the rest of us that you and your fellow travelers can't amass enough votes to be anything but a guarantee for a Hillary win no matter how hard you stamp your feet.

    You've used up your free pass. I don't owe you a forum for your delusions. Actually answer the questions or go away:

  5. Since this character believes in SJW nonsense, we will have to make sure ans boycott any site or business he is involved with for supporting hillary. After all, that is what the SJW types do to anyone not touting the cultural Marxist line.


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