Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Before It's Confirmed

A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.  The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all times.  This inside info from someone claiming to be a high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with NOTES added to clarify some of the responses. [More]
Now that it's come to my attention, I would be remiss not to share this.

I would be more remiss not to caution against buying into this without corroboration. As noted about another unconfirmed report, be very, very careful with this. We don't want to go chasing after potential disinformation and find out the reason it was put out there is to distract from the real truth and discredit those who propagate it.

This could come from a real whistleblower, or it could just be some troll trying to get us to publicly wet ourselves.

True, the initial catalyst for Project Gunwalker exposure was a forum post from an "insider," but Mike and I were able to gather information from sources we could vet through other proven advisers and weigh that against other corroborating material before we jumped in with both feet.

[Via Robert F]



  2. 4chan is the armpit of the Internet. It's a wretched hive of scum and villainy, and I recommend you be cautious about anything that seems to originate there. I mean, it might be true, but it might not be, and the place is full of bored kids with time on their hands who have made "trolling" into an art form. Be cautious.


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