Monday, November 21, 2016

Girls, Giggles and Goofs


Paging Col. Cooper...

UPDATE: The Facebook post with a video of a news story about a gun class for women that this links to has been removed. I changed the link to the Fox 40 report.


  1. Their "instructor" is a retired deputy sheriff -- no wonder she knows nothing about safe gun handling -- she's been "highly trained." Sheesh!

  2. I think most muggers would never suspect that a woman might be packing a pistol. The thugs keep getting more and more brave (or is that just STUPID?) when they pick a target to rob/rape and otherwise assault.
    Time for more armed women to "thin the herd" of the wild animals that need to be eliminated.

  3. Long ago the sheriff in the county where my mother lived offered a course for ladies, so she went. When asked if they had a weapon, my mother pulled out her .357 mag Ruger revolver. It impressed the deputies that a 70+ yo lady had such iron in her purse. Nothing was said about a lack of permit.

  4. It's always good to have new members in the Pro Second Amendment club, especially in California.

    BTW, the classroom in the video is at a gun store/indoor range 10 minutes from my home. They do more than their share to support the cause. The business's name is The Range.

  5. I was there the day this news story was filmed. All the instructors were vigilant about correcting this behavior.
    The range is an awesome place that offers great classes. It's a shame the news story didn't keep the portion of footage showing the corrective action rather than the blunder. A great class decimated by those who only know a portion of the story.

  6. Very interesting. The linked-to Facebook page with the video has been taken down.

    Facebook. Isn't that Jeff Zuckerberg's outfit? Isn't he the guy that supports new restrictive gun laws for the citizens while at the same time having a full time staff of 24 armed security personnel to protect his family? Why on earth would his company take down a video of honest, law abiding citizens attempting to learn how to legally protect themselves with a firearm? That doesn't make any sense, does it?

  7. Well, anon, I didn't want to go there since the intent is not to "decimate," but since you brought it up, there is indeed more than this "portion of the story," and it sounds like you are in a position to help validate or correct some of it.

    First, this is not behavior that should need to be corrected -- each individual should be required to demonstrate understanding of and adherence to the rules before being permitted to handle a gun in the classroom. That several did it at the same time is damn near inexcusable for an instructor who knows she is teaching novices. I've not once had a person I was taking shooting for the first time do this because I make sure the rules are emphasized before I allow them to touch my gun, and reinforce it immediately when they pick it up.

    Second, if the instructor was on top of things to immediately correct, why am I getting info that some related photos were taken down from the business's Facebookpage, which suggests unawareness by someone associated with them until it was pointed out? Is that information wrong?

    All this said, it's great that women are being taught. If this helps make sure they are taught more safely, it should be viewed as a good thing, not as an attack to decimate. None of us out there doing things are -- or should be -- immune to criticism and correction. That we do good is a non sequitur and does not mitigate times we don't do so well.

    What exactly is your connection?

  8. Elmo, I don't think it was Facebook that took it down.

  9. Apologies. I just read your 9:08 comment. Now I get it.

  10. Safest place in that classroom is in the BACK. Preferably near an exit!


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