Friday, November 18, 2016

Just in Case There Was Any Doubt About 'Schools' Being Indoctrination Centers

The guide, called the “Lesson Plan on the November 2016 Election,” informs teachers that “a racist and sexist man has become the president of our country by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base,” and suggests they teach children the same. [More]
So withhold all federal dollars.

With these Marxist liars and tormenters running things, I'm actually a bit surprised there aren't more kids who violently snap.

1 comment:

  1. For normal working stiffs, federal theft/tax witholding can be reduced by sending a new W-4 in to your HR folks, with a calculated number of exemptions which will reduce the amount of theft/tax taken out to zero. (Theft/tax in the form of FICA cannot be reduced to zero, as far as I know.) If you don't want to guess, there are online W-4 calculators which give a good indication of the amount of exemptions to put down.

    If you choose to take this route, it's likely best to never have any further contact with the IRS ever again: no 1040s, no rebate requests, nothing. Keep financial account balances low or at zero, be prepared for leins to be issued against any titled property in your name, and be ready to find a different job should garnishments be levied.

    I did this in 2012, and my HR folks didn't bat an eye. I left the traditional workplace about a year later for unrelated reasons, and I've not heard a peep from the IRS, though when I do, I plan to completely ignore them unless they force a physical confrontation.

    The US fedgov gets 80% of its budget from personal income taxes. It's a long shot, but starving the beast peacefully is possible, even if you're a person who can't afford to lower your productivity and still afford to eat.



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