Monday, November 07, 2016

Mr.Highbrow Betterthanyou

New York Times columnist David Brooks went full elitist when he asserted that people voting for Donald Trump are “less educated” and “are just going with their gene pool.” [More]
Says the guy with an undergraduate liberal arts degree who's never worked a day in his life outside the establishment media bubble.

These people actually believe their own crap.


  1. I bet he watched the apprentice and never had a problem with Trump. God knows I never watched that trivial nonsense and couldn't have given two turds less until the Donald started stringing words together that formed sentences which (supposedly) conveyed a message that met the minimum requirements to claim patriotic intent. Language is a contract every human should be able to rely on. Trouble is, one lie upsets the entire thing... Conversely, when living in a world where status quo is expectation of lies or duplicity then the original use of language cones back full circle. Lies finally have no bearing on this election. Hillary wins, expect her to do what she's already said... We're screwed. Trump wins, expect him to do what he says, if not he's screwed.
    Truthfully, I'd like to believe unless we get things our way, whoever wins is the one who's screwed. I know that is sociopathic on the surface, but WE'RE THE ONES WHO'RE RIGHT!...right?

  2. A degree from the University of Chicago, no less. That explains a lot.

    I wonder if that's where he learned what an impressive trouser crease looks like.


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