Monday, November 21, 2016

Survey SAYS

It all kind of just passed you by, didn't it, Dave?

1 comment:

  1. These surveys are ridiculous, they all look the same from everywhere, with the same BS questions... I wish all these idiots would stop thinking they have to "do" something. Maybe I'm naive but wouldn't the job be preformed optimally if they just took a more reactive approach and let their "charges/underlings" live their own lives.
    I'm sorry if little Billy down the street is hooked on hydrocodone, but it's not my problem anymore than yours. And if I chose to do the Christian thing and help that's my choice. And if little Billy wants to break into my pizza shop so he can snag a couple bucks to score, well that was his choice (as is the end result).
    Ultimately these knobs like Joyce would like to make it so Billy can steal my money and I can't shoot him because lo and behold Mr and Mrs secular government have now decided to dictate morality to me and force me to choose between boo hoo Billy and his opioid addiction or being a criminal...
    I know this one got away from me, but I hope I made my point. It'd be alot easier to say what I mean... But I don't need the hassle that might come from simplifying this.
    Bottom line: they might seem more sincere if they addressed the elephant in the room and asked what they could do to protect our basic rights.


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