Tuesday, December 06, 2016

In Your Face

State Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31st) wants to create a firearm registry in Virginia, and the Arlington Democrat is introducing legislation in the 2017 session to study the feasibility of such a program. [More]
See, Barbara agrees that people should be able to punch you in the head with their fists, as opposed to being able to discourage an attack from ever happening in the first place.

It's hardly a coincidence where this giant "F-you!" is happening. And don't expect anyone from Fairfax to lead an "I will not comply" response.

[Via Keith B]

1 comment:

  1. ummm - I live in Fairfax. I also participate in VCDL's annual Lobby Day in Richmond where we routinely oppose legislational dreck like this. Yes, I know you're referring indirectly to NRA HQ, but come on - don't tar the rest of us with that brush please (although I do admit to being in the minority here).


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