Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Russians are Hacking! The Russians are Hacking!

Red scare in the Vermont power grid... [More]

You know, fake news.

Anything to "delegitimize."

Funny, how the Opposite Day "progressives" accusing Trump of wanting to start World War III are doing everything they can to stir up outrage against Russia, and calling him Putin's puppet when he holds out for evidence before embracing the "conclusion" being pushed by his political enemies.

Notice how they're pretty much the same people who condemned him for not pledging sight unseen to accept the initially-reported election results as valid and final?


  1. With the ever-growing list of fake hate crimes,
    the IRS having become a partisan weapon of the regime,
    and agenda-driven fake news going back decades,
    is it really too far a stretch to think that
    they did it do themselves?

  2. Notw how “Russian hacking operation” mysteriously morphs into “Russian government hackers” in the space of one mere paragraph, with no justification whatsoever.


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