Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Trying to Recreate the Happiest Time of His Life

The ‘Staggering’ Campaign of Liberal Billionaire George Soros to Swing Local Prosecutor Elections [More]
Just like the self-anointed god did to Arpaio.

I'll bet he can't wait to turn his new crop of Oberreichsanwalt wannabes loose on gun owners.

Ah, those were the good old days, eh George?

[Via Mack H]


  1. Have you ever BEEN to Houston. I've driven through it a time or two and even stayed near it but no way in HELL I'd live there! The air is so muggy even the MOSQUITOS commute!

    Sometimes no amount of money can change the public's mind. What did they wizz away on Hildabeast's campaign? A $BILLION PLUS?! Guess the Big Boss wasn't quite ready for the U.S. of A. to have a civil war.

  2. I for one am happy that Arpaio is gone.

    I've lived in Phx for 60 years so I've seen every bit of Joes' time in office and I could have skipped it.

    Maybe the one thing Soros did that was actually good is help get rid of Joe.

    And just maybe if a challenger had been able to raise enough money in previous elections it would have happened sooner and without Soros.

    I voted for Trump (more like voted against Hillary, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised)but that doesn't mean I can't see how bad a sheriff Joe actually was.

    Scott in Phx AZ

  3. I concur... Glad Arpaio is gone! Good riddance.

    But I wish he'd retired so I could have voted for his replacement.

  4. Soros is scum, but whether his cash played a role in Harris County TX or not, the execrable R party hack Anderson had to go. If Ogg goes easy on marijuana, non-violent druggies, and bogus 'trace amount' cases to reduce the chronically overfull jail conditions good on her.

    He may have wasted his coin here, Anderson was mightily reviled and would have gone down in the D sweep of Harris anyway.


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