Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Politifact Gun Suicide ‘Truth-O-Meter’ Needs Independent Calibration

So much for the impartiality and credibility of the people Politifact is relying on to coax its Truth-O-Meter to register in the green. Which means, in the absence of expert analysis from researchers without a long history of self-interest-advancing citizen disarmament advocacy, those of us who are not statisticians must rely on that thing Mark and Gabby claim to represent, “common sense.” [More]
When it comes to guns, if you can’t believe the Politifact Truth-O-Meter, the Brady Campaign, Mark and Gabby, and a gaggle of anti-gun academics and researchers, who can you believe?

[Via Mack H]

Moms Against Legal Recourse

They want government to break the law and for you to have to take it.

The Social Network

A new study suggests there is a growing market in the illegal trade of guns and weapons in Libya via social media sites, in particular Facebook. [More]
I must be doing something wrong-- I haven't gotten a single offer...

[Via Florida Guy]   

A New Code Term

"Cautious Politicians..." [More]
Dang, and I was just getting used to "teen," but OK, if that's what "progressive leaders" want...

If Trump or Cruz had participated in a skit like this, the resulting protests could very well turn deadly.

True Believers

Sounds like a fresh crop of IOIs with attitude... [More]

To be determined-- will we see a lot more?

[Via Neil W]

Any Knife in a Smackdown

“Even being punched five times before does not justify the use of deadly force,” Upchurch said. “He did not have a weapon.” [More]
In fact, he did. Which makes vlla sella more than justifiable. Provided what happened was truly defensive.

This Megan Upchurch character sounds like she could benefit from a few life lessons. The question then would be if she's honest enough to apply them.

Topically semi-related: Elder feral son Udayand I find this stupidly entertaining.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

Child porn-collecting FBI partner on track to dodge jail [More]
I don't know what everybody's so upset about -- give it a few years, and we'll find a way to destroy some more Christian bakers for being intolerant...

Besides, haven't we already established that -- at least for amorous-minded Only Ones -- the quality of mercy is not strained?

[Via Jess]

The New Inquisition

Burn, heretics!!! [More]

How that will factor into the carbon emissions equation is a matter for greater minds than ours. Hey, if anyone knows climate science, it's a political science professor.

I wonder if he could help me with this vibration rattle I hear when accelerating my car. That and give me expert advice on how to safely store my guns...

Here's the muscle the good poli-sci prof lacks. And WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön shows how it all ties back to something else some would rather we stopped harping on:

Good thing "Republicans" are in the majority in congress and will not aggravate this ... for now.  Bad enough without congress piling on.  With the NRA having passive-aggressively collaborated for the confirmation of Sotomayor & Kagan, Scalia gone, and wussy RINOs already ovulating for Comrade Hussein's nominee, if the AGs get verdicts they may be upheld.

That's the current situation.  Soon, within 20 years, thanks to the NRA's passive-aggressive collaboration with Norquist-Bloomberg crowd's takeover and cultural terraforming of the USA through overimmigration, invasion-occupation, and the related anchor-Democrat, anchor-Sharia breeding programs, the Ds will have permanent supermajority control of all branches of the federal government and of a supermajority of the states.

Given the unassimilable deluge, 3rd-world immigrants, invaders, and anchor babies will continue to lean overwhelmingly Democrat and anti-gun - as they have since Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act Trojan Horse and Reagan's amnesty - despite any NRA reacharound, appeasement, and preemptive surrender efforts.  All the NRA can do is try to mitigate and slow the destruction wrought by the subversion of its own Norquisling board and staff.  The "good" news is that the coming Kabuki battles will enable the beltway vampires who control the NRA to con more members out of vast sums of money, adding to the nearly $400 million a year already squandered in outrageous salaries, sweetheart contracts, and donations to anti-gun, squish, and "cheap labor" RINO candidates.

The "single issue" cannot exist in a vacuum.

'Our Principles'


Yeah, that pretty much says it all.

On the other hand, Team Trump acting all surprised makes me wonder if they were blindsided because they actually didn't understand how the varied state party delegate processes work, which calls the performance of his advisers into question.  As for those suggesting a third party or write-in run should the convention go as it is being manipulated  -- I'd like to see someone flesh out what electoral votes outside of the Repubs and Dems would look like -- the likely scenario.

One thing that surprises me is seeing complaints from people who in other circumstances would be reminding us that we're not a democracy but a republic. Another thing is how few seem to know that.

I wish my crystal ball was working, but the damn thing is on the fritz again. Assuming Hillary doesn't get prosecuted, I saw a poll report the other day that makes me believe most of the electorate will deserve whatever fate befalls them, and then some.  Unfortunately, guess who gets dragged down with them...