Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New and Improved

We talked a few weeks back about BATF-U tinkering with the 4473.

Prince Law fleshes out some of the proposed changes.

Grey's Audacity

Gosh, a Disney/ABC show masks anti-gun propaganda as entertainment. [More]

For what it's worth, that episode's rating went down in the key demo and in total viewers.

[Via Michael G]

CBS Philly: the Most Trusted Name in Volksaufklärung und Propaganda

My, aren't prop "journalists" Ukee and Nicole giving off all the right approval cues for indoctrinating the kinder? [More]

Yeah, About 'Pro-Gun' Brad Pitt

The wishful thinking was strong. [More]

The reality is somewhat different.

And special guest Hanoi Jane!

You can bet they'll have Oscar-level armed security and a large police presence.

[Via Bluesgal]

Show Time

Oregon Firearms Federation has critical election information. [More]

Fighting Back

The owner of the Arlington gun store that opened last month despite vociferous objections from local residents has sued 64 people, including elected officials, claiming that they conspired to destroy the business, harassed the owner and landlord and mailed death threats to the 16-year-old “owner-in-training.” [More]
Naturally, WaPo couches that as suing "critics."

[Via Mack H]

Onward Christian Soldiers

Denver Christian Schools changing from Crusaders [More]
Mustn't offend the Fightin' Jihadis.

[Via cydl]



It Can't Possibly Be...

...because she's a bitch...? [Watch]

If you feel like going further down this ... no, I won't call a sewer a rabbit hole, you can join the suicidal maniacs in owing Gazi here some reparations. I like the white boys who say if we don't give it they're going to take it. How they're going to do that when they can't even get 10,000 people to sign an online petition is left unexplained.

Haven't had your fill? Those videos were just the sideshow-- like true Opposite Day "progressive" human rights activists, they have segregated tents, one for whites and the other for collectivist racists of color.

Fortunately, it'll all be OK if we just surrender the entire gross domestic product to them along with all policing within the U.S.

What...? Killing fields...? Since when do collectivists in power do that...?

A Staunch Supporter

Oklahoma: Senator Holt Sides With Bloomberg – Again [More]
Anybody else getting tired of this...?

We're the Only Ones Hair-Raising Enough

Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far... [More]
Feds lying under oath?  Unheard of!

Besides, the defendants were no doubt guilty of something, or they wouldn't have been on trial.

[Via Michael G]

They're Talking About You


The most obnoxious "men" in the world really do make it OK to just tell them to **** off, don't they? It's not like they can do anything about it.

Daddy Issues

Yes, it certainly sounds like the problems could be squarely blamed on guns. [More]

An Expert Opinion Redux

Human resource and risk management experts express concern about such training, saying it is a bad idea to ask employees to serve as an in-house security force.
"This is a slippery slope that employers should not go down," said Margaret Spence, a Florida-based human resources and risk management consultant and member of the Society for Human Resource Management's panel on workplace violence. [More]
I wonder what Margaret's training/qualifications/certifications are to offer professional counsel about  defensive gun uses.

I wonder if what she'd advise companies that listen to her to do with this:
I've always preferred better-qualified advice for dealing with personnel types like Margaret...

[Via cydl]

From the Fine Folks Who Brought Us Vidkun Quisling

Norway: Leftist feels guilty that Muslim who raped him was deported [More]
How celebratory of diversity. How "progressive."

Especially in light of all you "intolerant, extreme nationalist" haters.

Running Numbers

In a head-to-head matchup of each party’s frontrunner, Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Trump by only 3 percentage points nationally (46 to 43; 11 percent undecided).  [More]
But I thought everyone was insisting he could never get more than 30% and Hillary would cream him...

And that our only salvation will come from the Dole/McCain/Romney wing...

Our Diversity is Our Strength

"...intolerance and extreme nationalism..." [More]
And guess who gets to define both terms.