Monday, June 13, 2016

Sanders, NBC and Yahoo! Perpetuate Inexcusable Lie on ‘Assault Weapons’

“I believe that in this country, we should not be selling automatic weapons which are designed to kill people”... [More]
Scaring people into thinking semiautomatic weapons are the same thing as automatic weapons is an old lie the antis find useful to dust off every so often for a new crop of gullible marks.

Great Question

From Laocoön:
Would FDR or Truman have allowed Germans to immigrate by the millions during WWII if a third of them were Nazi sympathizers?
And as we learned just the other day:
Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law
Where was "Tony Orlando's" family from again?

Figures the agitprop specialists at ABC Disney would want to redirect the obvious government complicity so we consider him a "homegrown extremist."  I guess we should start calling kudzu is a homegrown weed and Zika a homegrown virus.

There Oughtta Be a Law

“We’re gunna make it against the law for this” says the SJW female. “Free speech will be against the law, according to the tolerant left” says a Trump supporter. She responds with “We are going to expand the definition of ‘hate speech’ to include what you are doing right here”... [More]
If you don't obey, we will kidnap and imprison you. If you try to stop us, we will kill you.

Looks like a future "progressive" politician to me.

And...Right on Cue Again...

Senate Democrats Renew Push to Keep Terror Suspects from Buying Guns [More]
Noise, noise, noise.  I still think the real danger comes from Obama.

[Via Felix B]

We're the Only Ones Out of Options Enough


[Via Keith B]

Not THAT Kind of Self-Expression!

A few weeks ago Josh was given an assignment in a photography class at Hunterdon Central Regional High School. He had to take a self-portrait representing self-expression. [More]
No, we meant something with a rainbow, or an Everytown t-shirt...

How did this one fall through the cracks?

They Say that Neon Lights are Bright on Broadway, They Say there's Always Magic in the Air

Oh look-- they made a gesture! How progressive!

Well that'll just about solve everything.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Same Old Song and Dance

Senators Blumenthal and Murphy are more concerned with advancing their political careers. [More]
That and blood-dancing.

White Privilege

"Are you guys black? A couple of them said 'Yeah.' He said that 'I don't have an issue with the blacks.'" [More]
See what you get for being a hater?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Protectors of the Faith

Facebook Deletes Pamela Geller’s ‘Stop Islamization Of America’ Page After Orlando Attack [More]
Hey, somebody's gotta shut down those damn haters.

Good thing Glenn told us Mark is A-OK!

Now we can get back to the important  business of sharing wacky animal videos and inviting "friends" to play Candy Crush Saga!

The REAL Extremists

The militia movement is decentralized, but it has two large followings—the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. Both have members who justify the use of violence to counter perceived threats or violations to the US Constitution. [More]
Gosh, and to think I've hosted such violent homegrown terrorists in my home, with my wife and children! And used the good china!

About that 'Securing the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity' Thing...

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law [More]
The A-Team would like to share the humor:

It's Not Enough


It'll never be enough.

What did I tell you? Specifically?
I won't be surprised if this ends up showing the futility of "universal background checks," but is then turned around and used as the executive order "justification" for a "terror watch list" gun ban.
Hell, "Republicans" Peter King and Mark Kirk would be so excited to support that they'd pee themselves.

Come to think of it, what with this being an election year, Obama being a lame duck with nothing to lose, the Republicans in general being gutless frauds, and the federal courts being ruled by appointed-for-a-reason Nazgûl, how long would it take to unwind an executive order forbidding FBI employees from completing NICS reports involving "assault weapons"?

Stemming from an Agenda

New MS treatment using stem cells may produce revolutionary results [More]
Thanks for such in-depth reporting, at CNBC!  What hopeful news! Go, stem cell research!

Of course, a reader would have to go through the Lancet study itself to find out that the promising treatment came from "autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.." You know, "involving one individual as both donor and recipient" and cells "usually derived from bone marrow, peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood."

In other words, Christopher Reeve sucking out fetuses was not part of the equation.

I don't suppose your "Authorized Journalists" could have mentioned any of that.  After all, you only had an entire story backed by the staff, resources and reach of a multi-billion dollar corporation behind your news dissemination efforts, whereas I have an entire blog post!

It Figures

Orlando Killer Worked For Company Transporting Illegal Immigrants Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times [More]
Everything about the guy advanced the agenda, including Orlando.

The Kill List

Former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan warned that the list was disturbing, because the civilians on it do not have the means to protect themselves. [More]
Especially if we don't even know who is on it, and especially especially if they live in "may (not) issue" territory.

How much more "standing" do you need?

A Fool and Her Money

More than $15 million has made its way from Buell’s bank account to the campaigns and causes of the Clintons. [More]
Yeah, well, turn off the spigot and see how often Hillary comes around. How can you be "soul mates" with a creature that sold its soul?

And how come both these envirohypocrites are rolling in dough from a company that only gets a "D" for "sustainability"?  I guess when you make all that money off of production contracts with sweatshops that exploit Third World workers, the "progressive" solution is to lock in the union vote and open the floodgates for future Democrat "refugees"...