Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Brief Hiatus

The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance is temporarily suspending updates. It will resume operations on or about August 8.

In the interim, comments to this blog will be turned off. Please hold correspondence and news link tips until things start up again. Ditto for social media messaging.

Also in the interim: Feel free to check out my stuff at AmmoLand, Oath Keepers and GUNS Magazine. If you see something that strikes you as beneficial, don't be shy about leaving comments, sharing links, and calling them to the attention of bigger fish.

His Legacy Continues

His legacy, however, continues with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which has called for expanding background checks for gun buyers. [More]
It's called for a hell of a lot more than that, you ****ing apparatchiks at NBC News. And how predictable to then see Dan Gross use this as another excuse to attack your and my right.

Hey, maybe John could be a new spokesman, kind of a Voice of Experience.  Pair him up with Amy Fisher and I'll bet you could get reality show out of it.

There's No Such Thing as a Free Magnet

If you want one from Hillary, it'll cost you 10 bucks minimum. [More]

And you have to be "a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident."

There's always a workaround...

NRA's Pick

Tim Kaine: Under Speaker Ryan, U.S. Will Enact Amnesty in 2017 [More]
Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!  Right, all you Grover-backers?

Besides, Ryan hawks Fairfax BrandTM "gun control"!

Racist Code Words

What, like "teen"? [More]

God help me, I'm beginning to see what Pol Pot had against "intellectuals."

[Via Michael G]

27 Words

Curious, how the last four are the ones all the thieves and liars ignore. [More]

Oh, and to comment poster "Subscriber"-- you really are a douchebag.

[Via Michael G]

The Return of GRendell

Looks like the mad troll is back, and howling for revenge in his quest to rip off arms. [More]

[Via Robert E]

Make it Smart

NIJ has issued a draft for public comment on "smart guns." [More]

GunsAmerica has a good summary, where they tell us "The draft is open to public input until September 13." The first thing that comes to mind is requiring them to be standard issue for the Secret Service.

Funny-- the infamous Armatix isn't up to proposed spec.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Harry Potter and the Half-Wit Professor

A new study to be published in a special 2016 election issue of PS: Political Science and Politics finds that reading Harry Potter books leads Americans to take a lower opinion of Donald Trump. In fact, the more books the participants read, the greater the effect. [More]
Great "original idea" there, Diana C. Mutz, Ph.D.

I don't suppose it could just signify those inclined to immerse themselves in Harry Potter are from a demographic statistically more inclined to trivia and fantasy? Or that the "Harry Potter effect" could just as easily be titled the "Khloe Kardashian vaginal oil effect"...?

Correlation does not imply causation. Leave it to a cloistered and tenured "political science professor" to count on a "progressive" academic establishment motivated  to indoctrinate its charges to believe otherwise.

The transparent agenda here is to make "Trump = Voldemort" a conditioned reaction among the useful idiots and useless eaters, and the Hillary-infatuated media is happy to spread that far and wide.

I see from her CV this ditzy broad has been on the receiving end of numerous government grants. As offensive as that is to me as a tax hostage, the real facepalmer is:
Department of Homeland Security grant for Survey Experiments Related to Terrorism, Disaster Preparedness, and Homeland Security. (with Matthew Davis), $186,100.
If Opposite Day results are achieved, she can always pretend her burqa is an invisibility cloak.

[Via Roger J]