Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Gunquack Long on Hysteria, Short on Proof of Professional Competence

It’s fair to ask Dr. De why her opinions on guns would be more qualified than her opinion on what to do about that pinging noise from under the hood, or what the mix of mutual funds and high tech stocks in your retirement portfolio should be. Just because she’s (presumably) highly competent in one field doesn’t mean she knows diddly about others. But she’s trading in on her degrees and the forum in which her rant appears to make it look like this is the informed work product of a qualified professional. Unfortunately, those who don’t know any better will be inclined to give her opinions more credence than if she were Monya De, Licensed Cosmetologist. [More]
What ever happened to the medical oath to “utterly reject harm and mischief”?

We're the Only Ones Custodial Enough

An elected sheriff in Colorado is behind bars on charges of having sex with a prisoner in custody, court records show. [More]
He just may end up getting more of that than he bargained for.

[Via cydl]

All in the Family

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME “Diane Reynolds” [More]
What parent and child don't communicate that way?

A Waste of Space?

He's irrelevant. Why waste space on him? [More]
He won't be irrelevant if  he draws enough of a percentage to tip the scales to Hillary, meaning it's up to those who don't want that to spread the word / inform others. That shouldn't need to be explained.

What have you done along those lines? Why chastise those who are doing their part?

A Wake-Up Call

Conservatives better wake up & get with [OPEN BORDERS] libertarians advocating disarming the govt so they don’t have the power to take our guns & other rights. Think about it, what are you going to do when the likes of Irontiger wield an overwhelmingly powerful govt against you? I hope “thank you for your service, officer” ["GRACIAS POR SU SERVICIO, OFICIAL"] won’t be what you’ll say. [More]
There, I fixed it for ya.

We're the Only Ones Predictive Enough

But they said the SSL's members became more likely to be arrested for the shootings of others. [More]
See, I just knew it was NRA's fault.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Steve T

Going to Tampa?

Florida Carry Board of Directors, General Counsel, prominent FL speakers at GRPC [More]
If you're a Florida gun owner, are you a member?

This Did Not Go Down as Planned

He was supposed to take her gun away and use it against her. [More]

Isn't that what the sexist "progressives" assure us will happen?

'A Lifelong Republican'

In the past, I have voted across party lines but always as a Republican. [More]
So what you actually are doesn't matter, it's what you call yourself?  It's how you "identify"?

This Bershod character is something of an enigma in terms of pinning down and documenting past policy positions and sympathies.  That's no doubt intentional, designed to make those who don't question things too closely believe a "conservative" has defected because the Republicans have become too extreme.

Near as I can tell, he's a marketing mucky-muck for a "medical tourism" business that profits from the mess government has guaranteed domestic health care is hopelessly mired in.  Not covered? No problem!

It's not the first time we've seen the defection to "reasonable" moderation tactic employed.  We've seen it used to undermine RKBA with collectivist "Jerry Thompson" and with "Average Joe."  We've seen all kinds of decoys, and we know what the purpose of those are.

This isn't a heartfelt letter to a man's daughter  -- this is a cynical, emotional manipulation of useful idiots by those who will say and do anything for power and control.