Thursday, August 25, 2016

Common Sense Freedom Safety Laws

“And we got more phone calls from people saying, ‘Wait a minute…there’s a machine gun coming down our parade. Can’t you stop it?’” said the mayor, “and I can’t.” [More]
Leave it to Opposite Day "progressives" to get all bent out of shape because they can't stop freedom celebrations at a freedom celebration.

Did you keep a log of all those calls, mayor?  How about sharing how many and from whom?

[Via Mike H]

You Win Some, You Lose Some

A Cuyahoga County judge ruled that some of Cleveland's new gun control laws violate the state constitution, but left intact a controversial gun offender registry that drew the ire of gun-rights groups. [More]
Here's the ruling, courtesy of OFCC.

Of course what the gun-grabbers "won" won't make a lick of difference at stopping violence. I'm wondering at what point punitive actions are going to be taken against the in-your-face violations the city is committing.

No Country for Young Men

University of Chicago to Incoming Freshmen: Don’t Expect ‘Safe Spaces’ Here [More]
Shoot, I could have told them that.

[Via cydl]

So Much for Licensing and Registering Assault Weapons

Police say a Comcast contract driver may have intentionally ran over Dewey Skidmore. [More]
Dang, and the driver had even gone through a thorough background check.

This may help explain why Comcast is anti-gun.

[Via William T]

‘Standing Army’ Oath-Breakers Attack Civilian RKBA

We know the Founders feared a standing army, and that the military is supposed to be subordinate to civilian authority. We also know the attitudes of Chiarelli and some of his partners in civilian disarmament like Stanley McChrystal, David Petraeus and Wesley Clark give cause to still hold those fears.  It’s fair to ask what directives those now in charge won’t execute when so ordered by an administration sharing their disdain for an armed citizenry, and the non-optional mandate “shall not be infringed.” [More]
At one time, one of our most respected military leaders was a guy named Arnold.

We're the Only Ones Emphasizing Enough

Chief Flynn puts less emphasis on aggressive police action and more on community outreach and gun control. [More]
That's because he's an oath-breaking political appointee dependent on his masters to remain and advance at the trough. As such, he's owned, and thus committed to continuing down the same path that created the mess in the first place.

[Via Mack H]

Looks Like Next Harvest will be Even Better

Team McCain reportedly engaging in ballot harvesting [More]

[Via Mack H]


You can get a free package of materials to host an event, but today's the last day to request one. [More]

Target Hardness

Texas school district sign: Armed faculty 'may use whatever force necessary' to protect students [More]
I don't think I'd be inclined to advertise it. YMMV.

[Via Jeffersonian]


University Of Texas Students Start School Year With ‘Cocks Not Glocks’ Anti-Gun Protest [More]
What is it about hoplophobes and penis obsession?

[Via Dan Gifford]

VCDL Alert

Permanent state-agency gun-ban hearing on Aug. 31st! [More]
If you're a Virginia gun owner, there's really no excuse for not helping with the request to "**PACK** THE MEETING ROOM ON WEDNESDAY!"

That means if you can't be there yourself, you at least need to help spread the word.

Oh, and one other thing...

[Via Keith B]

Where there's Smoke

The media rushes in to smother each outbreak. [More]

Because Donald's finances!

An Unqualified 'Success'

De demonstrates no qualifications on the subject other than ignorant contempt for gun owners and a gift for self-promotion.  She has a checkered past as an actual doctor, having failed to complete her residency training program for the documented reason of incompetence. [More]
It turns out guns aren't the only things the gunquack has problems with.

Timothy Wheeler, MD, reviews her chart.