Monday, September 12, 2016

Hey, We Ought to Start Calling Her Coffey

Like the guy with the mouth bugs in The Green Mile... [More]

How dare this shameless vampire expose a child to an infectious disease for a damn photo op? That is, assuming the "official" story isn't just another total lie she just got trapped in.

Exploit the hell out of this. Shove it down the throat of her supporters and ask them if they approve, and if not, when they're going to criticize her.

Lara Cow Flatulence Bill Illustrates Creeping Tyranny Enabled by Cultural Terraforming

But he sure knows how to tell producers to produce.  Most collectivist bosses do – or they at least act that way.  Forget the politically-engineered mass starvation that always seems to follow. Wherever collectivists rule an unarmed populace. [More]
So what's the reason we don't adopt sensible immigration laws like Mexico's again, to avoid all this BS?

A First

Newsletter, that is, from Elias Alias & Co. [More]

We're the Only Ones Permanently Suspended Enough

After being suspended, Miss. police chief fatally shoots himself in parking lot of police dept. [More]
The point to be illustrated is, those who say disarmament will prevent suicides never seem to start where the rates run higher:
National law enforcement suicide rates run between 18 and 22 per 100,000; the general population's rate is about 11 per 100,000.
[Via John Richardson]

Meanwhile, Over at the Fundamental Transformation...

EXCLUSIVE: Middle-America Hit with Staggering Immigration SurgeReport shows 1 in 3 Americans now live in a county where at least 20 percent of adults are foreign-born  [More]
Fortunately, this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Just ask Grover and his NRA apologists.

And don't forget to ask Gary Johnson.

And This is Supposed to Make Us Care?

Glock said the sale of their firearms to the public is prohibited in Massachusetts. Only law enforcement are able to purchase the company’s handguns. [More]
Hold on a sec-- I know I had some sympathy lying around here somewhere...

[Via Stephen P. Wenger]

Staying on Script

“Script” is the word TIME’s latest issue uses to describe the new terms that Democratic legislators and candidates are using to peddle their pistol-snatching policies. This script is a compilation of words and phrases that political consultants and pollsters predict will convince Americans to relinquish their God-given right to self-defense. [More]
It's all about manipulation through illusion.

It's all about the con.

[Via Stephen P. Wenger]

Only One Question

Why were charges filed in the first damn place? [More]

[Via Michael G]

This Domestic Enemy Again...

H.R. 5965: To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require institutions of higher education to disclose their concealed carry ... or open carry policies with respect to firearms, and for other purposes. [More]
That's because Keith & Co. sing about "kill[ing us] all with knives and guns," so they want to make sure where it's safe.

Fortunately, the "1% chance of being enacted" prognosis looks good. He's just out there getting his name in the news so the racist morons dumb enough to vote for him think he's out there doing something.

Because It is There

But the documents also shine a light on Oregon law, which some critics contend gives residents carte blanche to shoot and kill an intruder with no more justification than the intruder was there. [More]
An intruder in your home? That's not enough?

These "critics" ever hear of the Tueller drill...? Do they care?

That said, if there is more to this story, as is being implied, by all means determine the truth and act accordingly.

Sharp Shooting

A sharpshooter killed a top ISIS executioner and three other jihadists with a single bullet from nearly a mile away — just seconds before the fiend was set to burn 12 hostages alive with a flamethrower, according to a new report. [More]
And when he returns to the UK and civilian life, he can look forward to being deemed untrustworthy, and to being disarmed.

[Via Rough and Ready]

Last Call...

...for tickets to AzCDL's Annual Meeting. [More]

They really are worthwhile, although I admit I'm biased.

I don't see how anyone could be an Arizona gun owner and not be supportive of this group.

Ditto for gun owners in other states for the groups I promote around here from time to time.

But I Thought Shannon Said This Never Happens

Investigators credit conceal-carry permit for saving man’s life [More]
Hillary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg would rather he had been killed than armed.

[Via bondmen]

Never Said It Was

Sporting use is not even in the context of the Second Amendment. [More]
You don't say.

The first two bullets deal with 2A. The third asks judicial nominees:
Does the legal concept “in common use at the time,” at a minimum, apply to weaponry carried by infantry soldiers for battlefield use, in addition to those commonly used for self-defense and sport?
Well, does it?

Credit Where Due

The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination this month released a “Gender Identity Guidance” that imposes its demands on society. [More]
Just saying "commission" doesn't tell us who we really have to thank for this.

If at First You Don't Succeed...

...try, try again. [More]

"Melbourne has become a gun city," eh?

Who could have predicted that?

Those who couldn't didn't need to: the evidence has been clear for some time.

Along with the predictable end game.

So Much for Plan B

The report revealed that three mystery people tried to rush the two terrorists – but these heroes were gunned down. [More]
Plan A, taking cover and shooting back, was not available, thanks to "common sense gun safety" hive insects and their opportunistic overlords.

A Plan Comes Together

Somehow, it seems like there are those in power who are counting on just such responses in order to further tighten the net around us all. [More]

Settlement Jihad

“The observant Muslim base is the reason for civilizational and/or settlement jihad,” he said. “That is why they are immigrating to America, to come and coalesce into one solid unit with the intention – and it is intentional – to implement Shariah law, which according to Islamic theology is the grace and gift to mankind.” [More]
Thankfully, Grover Norquist, NRA and all their apologists assure us this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Chelsea for President

If a Clinton were to step in for Hillary, it would likely be Chelsea, who at 36 is just old enough, in terms of the Constitution, to be president. [More]
Who but someone with absolute contempt for the stupidity of the average Democrat voter would even suggest such an absurdity? The scary thing is, I bet she'd poll well.  And who better to have the kind of access needed to slowly poison the woman who taught her everything she knows?

Hey, if Heat Street can shoot from the hip like that, so can I. And as long as that's OK, can I also speculate on "gal pal" Huma being in on the plot?

Hey Bud, Let's Party

"You’ve got Donald Trump promoting health conspiracy theories to begin with, so any time something even lends an air of credence to that conspiracy, it needs to be debunked right away,” Democratic strategist Bud Jackson said. [More]
So debunk it, instead of just deflecting and denying and helping in yet another Clinton cover-up. And like I said in the last post, hang in there, baby, just a little bit longer.

But the way -- what did fall out of her pant leg?