Tuesday, October 04, 2016

I Love It When a Plan Comes Together

The Oregon Firearms Federation has filed an official complaint against Walker and requested that he be removed from the bench ... We suggest, as an Oregon resident, you consider filing your own complaint against this biased, agenda driven rogue judge. [More]
They link to the complaint form and give tips for filling it out.

And yeah, of course I love it.

If you're an Oregon gun owner, strike back -- do this and spread the word. If you're not but if you know any, urge them to follow suit. And if you're not and you don't, take it as an object lesson for what is probably possible in your state when such lines are crossed.

Federal Judge is Helping Clinton Cover Up Crimes

Right. She’s running for president, where character and competence are foremost in the interests of Americans, and her privacy interests outweigh our right to examine criminality evidence from a publicly-financed court case directly responsive to that character. [More]
It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Potential New Democrat Voters Reaching Critical Mass

Clinton fears emergence of nuclear suicide bombers from Pakistan [More]
But if you wonder if it's such a great idea letting them into this country, you're a xenophobe and a hater.

Besides: Rigorous.

Not Getting the Truth Out Fast Enough

Nevada Republicans could be doing a lot more to spread the word. [More]

A lot more.

Anybody know how much NRA is spending?

There's one sure way to prove the antis aren't really interested in background checks and instead want gun owner registration, but none of the rice bowl "gun lobby" groups will even mention BIDS, let alone promote it

The Temperament to Be President

Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange [More]
President? Hell, that gal's got the temperament to be Ming the Merciless.

[Via William T]

Where We're Going, We Don't Need Pathways

Coverup in Virginia on How Many Illegal Aliens Voting [More]
More expected hi-jinks from the Party of Criminals. Good thing none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."

[Via Michael G]

Yeah, About That Big Open Well Behind You There, Pal...

A self-righteous NPR "reporter" decides to school "ignorant" gun owners on the meaning of "Come and take it." [More]

This is Sparta!
[Via Michael G]

With Banking Partners Like These...

And the authority for this is...?
I guess with all the corruption scandals going on with Wells Fargo, their partnering with ATF in the shady practices game should come as no surprise.

I've tried raising public interest in questionable ATF practices involving National Survival Store:

Because there were allegations of ATF sanctioning illegal gun transactions, I tried to interest reporters and Congress to look into them, as they have resources I don't. Crickets.

Reader interest in the story has been pretty underwhelming, probably because it's so complex, and I haven't been (and won't be) able to devote anywhere near the attention it needs -- there's only one of me, and there are plenty of other priorities that demand attention.

There's a video Wesley Felix posted on Facebook tying Wells Fargo account fraud allegations in with alleged gun purchases by an ATF agent on an expired FFL. I don't know how to embed into Blogger, so if you want to see it, you need to click this link.

I think you'll see how just viewing pieces highlights the need for someone with the ability to compile them.  See, there's plenty more that still needs to be unraveled, and Felix is willing to give them plenty of information.

What's clear from the (lack of) response thus far is I have failed on my own to get this launched into Big Boy Media. So -- what do I do to get more notice for the "irregularities"? I'll once again post a plea on social media, and invite both discussion and for readers to be force multipliers and spread the word.  But ultimately, a disputed-origin quote comes to mind.

What's needed is for those who have kept up with this story to contact House Oversight and Senate Judiciary. Barring that happening, I'm at a loss.

UPDATE: Once more I've delivered my message.

Anybody care to join me?

Old, Stupid and White Buckeyes

Ohio has not fallen into step with the demographic changes transforming the United States, growing older, whiter and less educated than the nation at large. [More]
So you're sure the first two conditions are related to the third?

See, we can compare my town high school with, say, a more "progressive" and "diverse" one, and I guess if you want to be a Democrat about it you'll play the "white privilege" race card.

Me, I prefer to look at expenditures per student:

Neat collectivist trick there -- fail, no matter how much tax plunder you squander on the political machine patronage trough, and then disparage the ones you're robbing of their earned assets and heritage. Like it's their fault.

And we have enough stupid white Ohio "progressives" who have "fallen into step" to make it a horse race.

The New York Times. Deceiving America on behalf of totalitarians since, like, forever.

Who Needs a 'Weapon of War'?

How about someone facing multiple assailants making war on him? [More]

Here's a little thought project we all can do in our heads: Come up with a list of politicians, "famous" people and "common sense gun safety" groups that would rather see this man, his employees and customers DEAD than to see him "legally" armed with an AK.

[Via Mark S]

Enforce Existing Intolerable Acts, Mr. Cox? Really?

CWC: You came out early in the primaries with a position paper on the Second Amendment, including your support for Project Exile—enforcing current gun laws against criminals with mandatory jail time. Is that something you’ll push for if elected president? [More]
Where do you think Trump gets his talking points from? 

Heck, if being a "gun criminal" qualifies, guilty.  So are lots of "I will not comply" activists.

In terms of Project Exile, not everyone agrees.

And in terms of being a great success, I guess it depends upon the what meaning of the word "success" is.

That's why I haven't been overly hard on the guy for thinking he's getting instructions from a grand master.

The Return of Bender

Michael Chertoff, special counsel for the Senate's Whitewater Committee in the 1990s, is backing Hillary Clinton [More]
I see his "Bite my shiny metal @$$" motto hasn't changed.

For the Children

ORR cares for the minors until they can be placed with family member “sponsors” in the United States. Often those sponsors are in the United States illegally themselves. [More]
So the government is placing them in the care of known criminals? Are there no laws against that? And have the various child protective services followed up to ensure against exploitation and abuse?

Hey, pawns are expendable, and the object, after all, is for the king to prevail.

The Indisputable Outcome

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Clinton with 42% support and Trump with 41%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has inched back up to match his high of nine percent (9%), while Green Party nominee Jill Stein remains in last place with two percent (2%).  Another two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. [More]
Polls are likely to differ by a couple percentage points, and they change as events occur and the date approaches, but chances are, reality will end up approximating them within a few percentage points.

And that reality is, with no "value" judgement attached to it, just a standalone truism:

If Trump does not win, Hillary will. 

A corollary truism:

Gary Johnson voters have the numbers to affect that outcome more than Jill Stein voters do.

If you wish to disagree with these assertions, bring facts to refute them, not opinions, anecdotes, or candidate or policy critiques. If you wish to disagree with my policy assertions, the place to do that is here.

One Way to Get to the Bottom of This

Danney Williams, 30, claims he is the biological son of former President Bill Clinton [More]
So where is the FBI DNA analysis from the blue dress?

He should sue for the Secret Service protection he was entitled to and denied for years, and have his lawyer go after it as evidence.  I'd bet lots of lawyers would do it just for the name it would make them, and I'd also bet lots of people would contribute to crowd-funding the case.