Friday, January 06, 2017

Intelligence Report on Russian Hacking

I just got this and now need to find the time to read it. [More]

It'll be tomorrow before I can do any more.

[Via Gene B


  1. I call "BULLSHIT!!!!!"

    The FBI says the Russians didn't do it. Assange said the Russians didn't do it. The guy with Wikileaks said the Russians didn't do it. But those dipshite progs are like a snapping turtle and they won't let go of a meme no matter what.

    Open message to progs:

    Trump won!
    Suck it up, Buttercup!

  2. Had to stop reading about halfway through all the repetitive "We assess . . ." garbage. As if the repetition of PRESUMED authority will make this sad excuse for a "report" anything other than what it is: The official version of so many SJW's whining and crying (video recorded and published online for all the world to see!), sore-loser rants that their Kommunist leader Klinton didn't get elected. How dare the conservatives put a screeching halt to their liberal leftist plans? Waaaaaah!

    It's really hard to believe this came from the so-called "intelligence" community.

    They have seriously lost touch with what the heart of America is: NOT PROGRESSIVE (in the globalist sense of the word). We're sick of their corruption, lies, back-door dealings, and hypocritical behavior to the point where we'd rather see it come to a civil war and clean house than let it go on anymore. George Washington had that vision for a reason - he probably knew, in his heart and his subconscious, that things would get this bad before we straightened it out. He and the other founders knew how viciously the corrupt powers of the world would fight to keep their stranglehold on people. The Constitution was crafted for their own purposes, and eventually it will be replaced with something better, but it was the best they could do at the time, given that the Crown was still dictating terms. But it gave the little people enough of a breather from thousands of years of brutal tyranny, one kingdom at a time, to allow us to feel what it's like, to get a sense of what freedom from that system feels like.

    We're close to understanding what it was all about, how the corporate control of every aspect of our lives needed to have some curbs established - long enough to end child slavery, establish universal education, and allow at least a few generations the idea of freedom, if not the complete reality. While the World Wars were used to increase the wealth and power of the ruling class, it also taught the little people enough of power - what they could really do when it becomes necessary - to show them exactly how to gain their freedom from such systems.

    And THAT is what the progressives (who would progress us right back into corporate-controlled slavery) fear the most: that we could actually fight our way out of their system. That we still have access to enough weapons and can kill enough of them off to put a halt to their plans. That's what all this gun control is about.


  3. The Left is just upset because they finally got what they promised us, a transparent administration!

    They aren't claiming that the information released is false, theya re upset because the truth about their chicanery has been exposed.


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