Tuesday, January 03, 2017

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Wolf Blitzer Blames Indiana for Chicago Gun Crime [More]
He's simply parroting a talking point.

Propagandists gotta propagandize...

[Via Michael G]


  1. So the gang bangers are lining up at Indiana gun shows to buy guns? That'd be news, wouldn't it?

  2. Unfortunately, to blame the Chicago residents themselves would probably be considered racist, even though most of the Chicago homicides were gang-on-gang violence. It is so much more convenient to blame some "other" - people not conforming to your expectations of behavior and over whom you have no control.

    Instead, let us consider the crime rate of Florida police officers and sheriffs' deputies compared to holders of Florida Concealed Weapons Permits, to residents of Florida in general and to the population of the United States.




    The problem is not Indiana.
    The problem is not the guns in Chicago.
    The problem is some of the people in Chicago with guns.


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