Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Memes of Bravado

Max Alexander springboards off a "lively discussion" held yesterday on my Facebook page to elaborate on the "unvarnished" points he made there. [More

In terms of my Oath Keepers article being "a moot point,"  I'd counter what is being illustrated are the insulated views of collectivist "pundits," and how the actions of those who heed them reflect a near-complete misunderstanding of those they purport to oppose. Anything that erodes the deterrent factor increases the likelihood of the ignorant doing something stupid, and that makes things dangerous.

1 comment:

  1. He's right, and for more reasons than the fudd/bubba complex. Half the espoused hardcore 2A movement don't have enough food in their house to last them past next week, let alone enough to keep them healthy after a drawn out civil unrest situation. The first time they went to the store and it didn't have cheetos and beer, they would be ready to surrender and get fed. They also have to go to wal mart and buy ammo before they can go shoot their requisite 200 rounds a quarter.

    I'm a basic and intermediate level firearms instructor and can prove the Dunning/Kruger as fact in each and every class I take and teach. I'm also a perfect example of being out of shape for a fight. No excuses, I'm not ready. Gotta change that before you can espouse competency in a force on force situation.


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