Monday, February 13, 2017

Morose Enough for Government Work

Federal workers planning sabotage of the Trump administration [More]
While the idea of a "work slowdown" by these "swarms of Officers sent hither to harass our people" is amusing in itself, if air traffic controllers can be jettisoned, I think the country could survive with fewer EPA bureaucrats, "progressive" IT administraitors, and foreign DoD workers.

And there's a difference between whistleblowing and treason.

Who thinks we wouldn't be better off without 'em, and finally able to make some real "progress.".

[Via John S]


  1. It sounds like ungrateful very expensive excess baggage if you ask me. Jettison it over the ocean.

  2. Hah hah you're funny David.

    Now see here, the Mom of Judge Gorsuch:




  3. Before PATCO, in September 1919 the Boston Police Department, which as a descendant of the Massachusetts militia reported to the Governor of Massachusetts, organized into a union and went on strike. Governor Calvin Coolidge proclaimed “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time" and fired the strikers. Governor Coolidge became Vice President Coolidge and then President Coolidge. The local militia that was called out by the Mayor of Boston were Boston area citizens such as college students and businessmen. The state militia called out by the Governor was the Massachusetts State Guard, as the Massachusetts National Guard was still in Federal service for WWI.


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