Friday, February 17, 2017

Potential States

Why not Jefferson? [More]

It's funny how related issues can come up at the same time.  My kid brother called me this morning about the upcoming Puerto Rico statehood referendum and wanted to know the Constitutional protections against millions of Democrat sympathizers voting themselves in.

It's Article IV, Section 3, which also covers the California situation:
New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.
I signed the Jefferson petition anyway. Every little bit helps.


  1. We have the right President to deal with their failures.

  2. Thank you for signing the petition. And as a future resident of the State of Jefferson, I thank you for bringing it to my attention.
    Fun fact- Oroville Dam is located in the State of Jefferson, while it's managers are located in the State of California.

  3. David, I see how Art IV, Sec 3 would keep Jefferson from happening (No fekking way the Dhimmicrats in the Kali legislature are gonna do anything to allow the loss of any taxpayers - especially conservatives) but I understood your brother's question to relate to PR. In the case of PR, is there anything to prevent a Dhimmicrat majority in PR from voting themselves statehood?

  4. Although there wouldn’t be any state legislatures to shortstop it, it would still require the connivance of Congress. While not impossible, if there weren’t serious reasons why the goob in general thinks this is a Bad Idea, it would already have happened sometime in the past 50 years. Of course, if we ever again have a congress under the control of Not The Grownups, it could still happen despite all of the known disastrous side-effects. I mean, Obamacare, right?

  5. Just watched “Black Road” last night, in which N. California and S. Oregon form a new state called Jefferson. Coincidence or conspiracy? :-)

  6. Give back West Virginia.



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