Wednesday, March 29, 2017

We're the Only Ones Honored Enough

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office Approves Honor Defense Honor Guard [More]
Sorry, the rest of you not worthy of being honored. It's not on the list.

Tangentially related: I just noticed Armatix has been decertified. As near as I can tell, that hasn't been reported on blogs or in the news. I don't know if it's been a subject of discussion on the gun boards, but it's news to me so I'm passing it on to you.

A few years back I was looking into irregularities on the timing of the roster approval, including why microstamping was not required for them when it was for everyone else, and how a system relying on a component like a wrist bracelet could switch that component in development and still have the certification approval apply.


  1. Gun enthusiasts in other states don't realize how absolute crushing the California approved list is. There are so many handguns that have been made impossible to own, or if they are legal the price and complexity of transaction are discouraging to attempt.

    Would you like an old Smith & Wesson Model 28? Sorry, not approved. If you'd like one you'll need to scour gun stores for a couple of years and hope one turns up, and then pay the price (which will be higher than outside of California; the old supply and demand thingy). Have a friend outside of California with a really nice old Ruger Redhawk that he wants to sell you at a good price? Sorry, no interstate transfers of non-approved guns. And when you think you've got the rules figured out, you better make your transaction quick. The rules can change in a heartbeat.

    CA DOJ likes to put a happy face on this Statist law, but that's easy for them to do. It's how they make their very lucrative living while looking forward to a gold-plated retirement. And if you have any questions, good luck. It's like pulling teeth to get an answer out of them, if you can ever get a live body on the phone, that is.

  2. "only handgun available with F.I.S.T (Firearm with Integrated Standoff), which is designed to keep the gun in battery in extreme close-quarters combat."

    Gee, the guide rod on my Springfield XD 40 Sub Compact protrudes in front of the slide for that very reason. I guess it just doesn't have a catchy initialism.

  3. The SIG P228 (M11) and the SIG P320 (recently adopted by the U.S. Army) are not on that California list, yet the SIG P226 is. California should advise the U.S. military that they are using firearms that are unsafe for Californians.

  4. Guns unsafe for Californians? All guns are unsafe for Californians:

    WARNING: This product contains chemicals (lead) known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


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