Saturday, April 08, 2017

Are YouTube Restrictions Targeted on Conservative and Gun Channels?

So the questions become are the rules evenly applied, or can discrimination be shown. And how does that tie in with what is happening with the other social media giants? [More]
Are YouTube and social media giants Facebook and Twitter discriminating against conservatives and gun owners? And if so, what can be done about it?


  1. Forget YouTube. Go to

  2. Pointing it out is a first step, but what happens next is their move

  3. A. Yes.
    B. Nothing, except to leave and start our own alternative versions, which some people have done. Examples are (unfortunately "enhanced", read: crippled, by Google),, for search engines and many social media alternatives (some listed here, though I find it interesting they include YouTube: ).

    That's the problem with things that get to be too popular and too big for BIGGOV and BIGCORP's liking - they want to take it over and use it to extend their control over us. And that's the main problem - that a small group of powerful but sick, twisted, arrogant people have an insatiable desire to control everything and everybody, isn't it? They fear anybody capable of independent thought and action, and stifle innovation and creativity, unless they can control and use it for their own purposes.

    From a strictly materialistic point of view, they want to be at the top - forever. But from the more realistic, spiritual point of view, they are serving an evil master, who wants nothing more than the destruction of all humanity. It's as simple as that. All of their actions, knowingly or unknowingly, flow from that one purpose.


  4. The 'why' and 'wherefore' do not matter. These are not public domain 'common carriers'. These are private playpens and they may permit or disallow whomever they wish. There is no guarantee of 'free speech' in any private place. No matter that these are or may be the predominant (perceived) soap boxes.

    captcha sucks

  5. You can't stop the signal, not even the evil one can.

  6. Control of the narrative is the current battlefield.


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