Monday, April 17, 2017

Caring Americans

There are 90 percent of us who actually support things like stronger gun laws... [More]
Yeah, just like in Nevada, where despite Master's money, Question 1 passed by less than one percent and failed in all counties but more populous Clarke, right you lying apparatchik?


  1. "Caring Americans support gun control."
    Implication being that if you don't support gun control, you're an 'uncaring American'.

    I reject the premise, and I don't care what Wordsmith Watts thinks about that.

  2. ... AND THIS IS WHY the Founding Fathers decided that the Electoral College was more than just "A Good Idea".

    It prevents a small, well-populated community from overwhelming the issues of other communities. That is called the "Tyranny of the Majority", and is the only reason why Democracy works even half-way.

    Lots of people (recently, Democrats only) don't like the Electoral College.

    Especially students at Berkeley.

  3. "There are 90 percent of us who actually support things like stronger gun laws”

    And 95% of those aren’t aware of what existing gun laws already forbid or permit. When pressed, they end up asking for laws that make stuff illegal that has been illegal for 50+ years. “We have lots of ignorant, guillible members” doesn’t have the same pull.

  4. Bill Mullins4/18/2017 3:25 AM

    "Only One Nevada County Supported Bloomberg' Question 1"

    Unfortunately it has more people than the rest of the counties combined. Sounds like whatever Vegas wants it gets as far as elections go. It's downright scary for one county to have that much power in a state.

  5. And, I bet if you looked at it, higher real numbers and percentages of people who have come in from other places and brought Democrat proclivities with them.

  6. Vin Suprynowicz has done yeoman work actually documenting the illegal voting being committed by all the “undocumented" casino culinary workers due to their unions telling them to vote Democrat or else.


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