Thursday, April 13, 2017

Mixed Feelings

On the one hand, it's great to see such gadgets shown for what they are. And the kid is cute and precocious as hell.

On the other hand, the adult who arranged for, encouraged and allowed such stunningly dangerous violations of Cooper's rules by a child was inexcusably irresponsible. Just because you're an expert in one field doesn't assure mastery of all -- or even, evidently, rudimentary competence.


  1. The name reminds me of the first Indiana Jones movie bad guy...french Canadian helping the nazis

  2. On the other hand, I suppose to a Certain Type of sheeple, the emotional impact of the video (is there any other kind?) is heightened by the viewer realizing that the little kid who defeated the trigger lock in 10 seconds is an actual danger to himself and others.


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