Friday, May 05, 2017

Death of the West

I’m going to turn the little alphabet belcher into a proud princess whether he likes it or not. [More]
No men left. What could go wrong?

Stupid, smug cow.


  1. With Moms like that, who needs enemies? And will the forces of the Caliphate have any enemies to block their path? And where is this boy's Dad, or is this a single Mom?

  2. Same "mom" who had a cow when her stepson wanted a gun.

  3. She's an ignorant twit to think that way. Many generations of American men respected and treated women properly without being forced to act like a female. What a neurotic, asinine woman. If there is a father/husband around he should sue for sole custody before she turns this kid into one of the umpteen new "genders" that are popular these days. At least she hasn't changed his name to Sue - yet.

  4. It's OK. She'll get hers when he grows up and refuses to contact her anymore because of it.


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