Friday, May 26, 2017

Poll Position

Hi! We're researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We are conducting a study to better understand audience evaluations of media coverage of gun regulations and gun rights. [More]
I got this link as an off-topic comment to an earlier post, and didn't OK it because of the "Comment House Rules" (they're in the sidebar). Please send tips via email ( or via the Contact Form, also in the sidebar.

I'm not sure how the CSGV-affiliated "study" team  hopes to have any kind of reliable results, because they gotta know RKBA advocates are gonna jump in. Maybe they wanted it to be kept secret?

[Via Fred]


  1. "We reached you through the CSGV because we want to survey gun grabbers and conclude that their views represent those of the general population".

    Any time I can help out the fake behavioral researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Mad Cows, I'm glad to lend a hand...

  2. Sorry 'bout the rules violation sir.

  3. It was a great tip, thank you.

  4. The poll almost seemed endless, but I waded through it.

  5. I contributed my three cents, reminding them that Haynes v US (SCOTUS, 1968) prevents universal background checks from applying to felons - since the gun registration needed to make the system "work" violates the felon's 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination.

    Wish they'd taken the 40% gun show lie as an example. Even the Wash Post has debunked that false factoid not once, but twice.

  6. I filled out the survey as you would have.

  7. In re the PolitiFact bullshit I added this to comments:

    Busted them for using the term assault rifle.

    Survey presupposes all sorts of crap is the truth. IMO, the survey is mired in rhetorical BS - not fact. About what's expected by Prozis.

  8. David,

    I also spent the time to give them my opinion. I fear that the results of their survey make no difference to these people. But, at least I felt better letting them know that I considered their survey biased and of little value. I also hit them hard on incorrectly conflating the terms "assault rifle" with "modern sporting rifle". I wish I had more comment space to add that MSRs were not just for hunting and sporting uses, but for self defense of person and country. I wish I could have added that my definition of tyranny includes those that attempt to infringe on my God given and Constitutionally protected rights.


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