Friday, June 16, 2017

Giving the Rest of Us a Bad Name

Report: Stolen city funds paid for her ‘Brazilian butt lift’ ... City spokesman Bob Woods said he could not comment on the report’s specifics, but said the ordeal overshadowed the good work of hundreds of other city employees. [More]
Which is obviously why she was able to get away with so much for so long and involve so many accounts assigned to others -- while all those incompetent and corrupt "department heads" enjoyed the perks of patronage jobs (probably all feeling important and believing it was their due).

I've had to work with city governments before, and it's easy to see how the corruption begins when you give little minds a taste of power. Then imagine the same bureaucrats in state and federal posts.

It sounds like a whole lot more ought to be eligible for "butt lifts" and I ain't talking the Brazilian kind.

[Via Steve T

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