Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tarnished Golden Girl

What was she doing hosting as gun-grabber gala in the first damn place? [More

And here all those years, until she showed her true colors, she was a darling of "conservatives."

I'm glad her ratings at her new home are swirling down the toilet. Maybe if this keeps up she'll have money coming out of her whatever.


  1. “Sandy Hook Promise?” They’re the plagiarists who appropriated the entire script of some guy’s online movie so they could remake it with “gun warning signs” inserted into it as anti-gun propaganda. I believe you covered these lowlives previously.

  2. Too bad, so sad. All that sticky stuff she's had wipe off of her chin to get where she was for naught.

  3. The Tolerant Left doesn't approve of any alternate viewpoints. Just imagine what would have happened if Hillary had been elected - movement towards making those alternate viewpoints prohibited by law, not just discouraged. (Or maybe just an Executive Order to accomplish the same.) This quote may not be exact, it's from memory, but the gist is there:
    "We cannot allow a minority to hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority." - H. Rodham Clinton

  4. Kelly is really getting more and more butch every yaar.


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