Thursday, July 13, 2017

Interesting Admission

So "progressive" California "gun control" doesn't work? [More]

I won't be surprised to see agenda promoters decide this could be more useful on TV and turn it into the next "Walking Dead."

[Via Mack H]


  1. I'd watch if it were on cable.

    Good thing I don't live in California, huh?

  2. Two things strike me:

    1. The same bunch of snotty leftist elites who told the 'Right-wing militia nuts' for decades that they'd NEVER have a chance against the mighty federal government, are now gonna put up some credible, "Resistance(!)"?? And...with what?

    2. The same bunch of snotty leftist elites who told the Deep South states for over a century that they were a bunch of racist, backward, ignorant hicks for trying to secede from a tyrannical, over-reaching federal government, are now gonna try to secede because...?

    It'll never happen, of course, simply because of the electoral-vote loss. But any time the East-L.A. chapter of the John Brown Gun Club (or whatever passes for it) feels sporty, I got plenty of popcorn and soda.


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