Friday, August 18, 2017

ABA’s Fake Piety Overrides Due Process in ‘Hate Crime’ Gun Ban Resolution

We’ve already seen from recent events that those the lying cultural Marxists smear as “Nazis and fascists” are blocked from speaking under the outrageous and tyrannical insistence that “Hate speech is not free speech.” So much for respecting the right of free speech. And now, unsurprisingly, so much for respecting the right to keep and bear arms. If that’s the case, if America is to be a land of rights for the politically favored, why not go all out?  Do “Nazis” and “fascists” really deserve search and seizure protections, or protections against self-incrimination, or jury trials, or immunity from cruel and unusual punishment? [More]
So much for stated ABA “principles.” You can’t tell it by their actions.


  1. Why does the phrase, "By their fruits shall ye know them" keep occurring to me so often lately?

  2. Lawyers eat and drink well, and I'm sure these ABA fatcats are more concerned about gaining something novel to boast about at table over their fine wine, than they are about getting shot by a right-winger. The oppression that the ABA is calling for is uncalled for.


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