Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Look At Me, I'm On Your Side Act of 2017

Drafted for people living in states like New Jersey, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) would prevent states from being able to ban any weapons that are legal under Federal Law. [More]
And if you put frog-marching governors on pay-per-view, you'd more than cover enforcement costs!

Looks pretty good, no?
1% chance of being enacted...
Looks like sound and fury to me.  Wake me up when they agree on the free unicorn amendment.

Give it time and Rep. Collins' stances on  unnecessary worker visas and amnesty enticements will make sure it never passes.

Why is it every time I see the words "staunch supporter of the Second Amendment" I check to make sure my wallet's still there?

[Via William T]

1 comment:

  1. " Though, it's not clear what effect, if any, these state laws have had on violent crimes."

    The laws were a matter of self-expression on the part of the left, and were put in place as such, with no regard for any effect that they might or might not have. They hate us, and want to hurt us, because we're not part of their leftist groupthink. They are evil, intolerant, hateful people like that.


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