Friday, August 18, 2017

The Question of Our Time

In this Second American Civil War, whose side are you on? [More]
Looks like everything's getting pushed toward that "Molon Labe" time so many do-nothing-else anonymous comment posters have been itching for...


  1. I “itch” for a civil war like I “itch” for a root canal. Just because I refuse to postpone or cancel the appointment doesn’t mean I look forward to it. I just realize that I’m going to continue to suffer until it’s over with.

    A friend of mine likes to say that in all of human history, no group of people have ever *voted* themselves freer. I reluctantly have to admit that he’s on the money.

    Last election, didn’t we vote ourselves freer? Our oppressors simply act as if that vote never happened. Absolutely, it’s important that we tried. We lost our soapbox years ago, and now have had our ballot box nullified.

    Even Gandhi — the poster boy for peaceful revolution — would never have attained his goal of freedom through nonviolent action alone.

    The whole context of the Second Amendment is that sometimes there is no other choice but to resort to weapons to maintain freedom. We can’t champion that principle with one hand and dismiss it with the other.

    (P.S.: Apparently, someone took Google captchas out behind the woodshed. Now, 90% of the time, they just accept my claim and no longer even bother to quiz me.)

  2. There is some war-like animosity in circulation, but I can't see the geography of a second Civil War. Geography played a huge role in the 19th century Civil War, but the current arrangement of blue dots in red states, with a handful of blue states here and there, means battle lines that are blurred at best, and likely non-existent, but wars have a way of making themselves all too plain in time, though I hope it doesn't come to that.


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