Monday, September 04, 2017

The Sincerest Form of Flimflammery

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are working to cripple Sessions’ asset forfeiture efforts via H. R. 3354. [More]
Unless they do better than this, it's all sound and fury, signifying nothing besides pandering:

Thing is, there are some "supporting" this who know that, but are counting on the optics to continue being in a position to scam. Just like they used to do under Obama, knowing a measure would fail, but doing it to capitalize on their arm-waving, "Look at me!" opposition...

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

  1. I continue to find this "government edict against cash" most curious. As professional traveling Rep for a major OEM for many years prior to explosive growth of the " Credit Card Phenomena " we used to carry cash. Usually several thousand dollars to maintain ourselves in the field, sometimes for weeks or months . For offshore travel we increased the cash stash to pay the local "vig" to get ourselves and "parts and pieces" thru customs. I used to feel "impoverished" if I didn't have at least a grand or more "company money" on hand ! In today's world this would get me some time one the greybar hotel
    TBS !


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