Monday, October 30, 2017

Black Sunday

Bracken: Is The NFL Ready For A Stadium Attack On A Las Vegas Scale? [More]
Don't worry though -- the kneelers and owners probably won't be in the path of the stampede.

You won't see any of the big boys in "conservative media" touch stuff like this.

Tangentially related: Matt Bracken Booted off Facebook Again.


  1. Spellcheck alert! Because I can't stand seeing something wrong on the internet. :)

  2. Some of us take care not to offend Allah, blessed be His Names, infidel.

  3. Several of the commenters on WRSA said to avoid interactions with the police.

    About as well as it’s ever been said was by Brendan Behan, “I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse.”
    - Brendan Behan

    I really like the good cops that are out there, the PEACE officers. The rest of them, not so much. I hope they’ll wise up before things go too wobbly.


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