Friday, October 13, 2017

Hammer Defense of NRA Bump Stock Appeasement Repeats Old Assertion that ‘Good, Honest Americans’ Surrender Rights

“[L]ike all good, honest, law-abiding Americans, the NRA obeys the law… NRA has called for enforcing existing law." [More]
And if you voice opposition, you're a "Trojan Horse."


  1. The implication is, all laws are good...for you.
    We all know there are laws for thee and not for me.

  2. So what is the purported ninth-dimensional chess strategy here? The NRA is staunchy rejecting any legislative change, but positively begging for regulatory review… why? Because they “know” there’s nothing in existing law that would empower BATF to ban them, and it’s a stalling tactic to let the heat cool down? And because they think that if the BATF arbitrarily bans them anyway, they can sue and win… or at least mulct us members of even more funds for a legal battle on this new front? I’m trying to make sense of this “regulate don’t legislate” insistence.


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