Monday, October 30, 2017

I'm Missing the Obvious Here

“It’s pretty obvious who shot Mr. Pickert,” the physician wrote. “A gun-wielding wacko with multiple gun charges to his credit who had no qualms about shooting intruders or threatening people with a gun. My only hope is that the police are letting him run around free in an effort to follow his movements and gain further incriminating evidence.” [More]
It's "wacko" to shoot intruders?

Obviously there's a lot more to this than that.

[Via Steve T


  1. Apparently it's a 5.7 million offense to shoot people who break into your business.
    And yes, the babbling physician was a plaintiff's witness.
    And one news report said that Jungerman's van was seen fleeing the scene of the attorneycide, but the cops say they've interviewed the owner of the van and he isn't a suspect.

    Seems like a lot of people think Jungerman had good reason to kill the attorney, so they're all assuming Jungerman did it, and fearing that they deserve it too?

  2. Jungerman has an arrest record from something, he sued a PD back in the 1990s for booking him, taking his gold Rolex and failing to return it to him.
    The jury found in his favor, so the judge set aside the jury verdict.


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