Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mexican Gun Control Doesn’t Work, But Mass Immigration Could Bring It Here Anyway

If the National Rifle Association really wanted to safeguard the Second Amendment, it should come out for an immigration shutdown.  Indeed, David Codrea at Ammoland recently blasted the way the NRA gives “A” grades” to those who vote “right” on guns but support liberal immigration policies which will make the Second Amendment inoperative... [More]
I'm glad to see others picking up on this, that it does, in fact, profoundly endanger that "single issue."  If you agree, we need to see a lot more articles like this, and we need to see the message repeated and amplified until it escapes the echo chamber and friendly politicians assign it the status of a campaign issue talking point.

[Via Anonymous]


  1. Agreed. Politicians need to be as scared of this as they are of gun control. They need to be forced to associate gun control with immigration. Thrilled to see vdare recognizing you. The site was created in 2000 to stop mass immigration, and in the process influenced ann coulter. Ann's book was read by trump which then led to his historic election. There are peeople close to trump who clearly read vdare - I have seen trump paraphrase things from vdare within a day or two of it appearing on the site. I would suspect stephen miller and donald trump jr, but I would not be surprised if others do as well.

    Even with ann coulter tweeting a link to your article the other day she was clearly responding to alan wall's vdare article from the day before. I am going to email alan wall and thank him for crediting you. I also plan on pointing out how much the two sides coupd help one another, especially if we can mobilize the grass roots gun people into also opposing mass immigration.

    Thanks for all of your great work over the years on this.


  2. Here's the comment that tipped me to this article:

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "'Gun Owner' has Big 'But'":

    "If the National Rifle Association really wanted to safeguard the Second Amendment, it should come out for an immigration shutdown. Indeed, David Codrea at Ammoland recently blasted the way the NRA gives “A” grades” to those who vote “right” on guns but support liberal immigration policies which will make the Second Amendment inoperative: “Those who would ‘fundamentally transform America’ are counting on continued deliberate indifference from the gun owner rights advocacy community,” he writes [Changing Demographics Add Further Evidence of Greatest Threat to Gun Owner Rights, July 19, 2017].

    Codrea is right. Do you want to protect the right to keep and bear arms in the U.S.? Then work to shut down immigration! Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time."

    Great to see the most influential anti illegal immigration site on the internet recognize you for the work you have done to link immigration to gun rights.

  3. Yeah, I was thrilled to see you referenced on vdare. I think this is a point the vdare types need to use in all their talking points about immigration.

    Mass immigration/amnesty = gun control. No exceptions - ask california gun owners about that.


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