Thursday, November 16, 2017

Comparing U.S. to Cherry-Picked Countries on Guns Fools No One but the Ignorant

Those countries are Japan, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and Weller claims they “may all offer insight.” If the goal is to abandon the Constitution and Bill of Rights and embrace citizen disarmament, he has a point. [More]
Who needs American exceptionalism when you can just abdicate all responsibility and trust the globalists to keep us safe?


  1. Problem is: the ignorant outnumber true Americans, and they vote. Goodbye, America!

  2. That preposterous Python would make a nice snubbie.

  3. The Japanese submit to having their homes searched by the police either every 2 years or twice a year - I forget. ("If you have nothing to hide...") So there goes the 4th Amendment too.

    Europe is not big on free speech either, so if were are going to follow them that way... No 1st.

    And I don't think the UK recognizes a "right to remain silent," so no 5th amendment.

    Have to review the others to see...

    But that is what the want. No constitution. Just a phone and pen.


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