Monday, November 13, 2017

On in 15 Minutes

Attorney Gloria Allred has announced a news conference at 2:30 p.m. ET with a new Roy Moore accuser. [Watch]
We'll see if there's any substance, as opposed to unprovable accusations.

If you can't get that link to work, others are also live streaming.

TMZ is working for me.

I found a Facebook page for the accuser-- no real clues there.

Senate Judiciary Committee under oath is a shrewd legal move.

She has his handwriting in her yearbook.

She says she and her husband were Trump supporters.


Roy Moore's response (relevant video portion starts about 9 minutes in.)


  1. Doesn't matter. Still voting Roy Moore. No Matter What. Menendez got by with far worse. So did Bill Clinton, Tip O'Neill, Ted Kennedy, etc, etc, etc.

  2. All men should keep this in mind when asked to sign their year book by a young woman. No good deed goes unpunished.

  3. Moore should promise to resign if elected. Otherwise the Republican majority goes from 52 to 51 if people vote for the Democrat and a write in. If he was elected on the promise to resign, a Republican would be appointed until another election was called and would win in a red state.


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